10 New Technologies for Smart Refridgerators

  1. Self-cleaning fridge
  2. Reminders about the age of some items in the fridge and when they will expire
  3. A graph that shows the ratio of fat, protein and carbohydrates in the fridge
  4. A graph that displays the ratio of each food type, e.g. Fruit, veggies, meat, dairy, etc.
  5. Recipes for whatever food we happen to have in the fridge
  6. Coupons that get emailed to us from local grocers, which are based on the most frequently purchased items on the fridge 
  7. Smart humidity levels for the vegetable and fruit drawers. They detect what is inside and adjusts the humidity levels accordingly
  8. Wine and beer drawers. Special drawers with temperatures for whatever kind of wine or beer you have on hand
  9. Freezer compartments with varied temperatures, e.g. One for meat and one at a lower temperature for slightly softened ice cream
  10. An instant cool or freeze feature that works like a microwave, but for the opposite end of the temperature spectrum